Steve Introduces Him/Herself

The Secret to Making a Great Impression at MovedTo Socials – 5 Dos and Don’ts

Wondering how you can get the most out of MovedTo socials? We’ve put together five dos and don’ts for making a great impression, along with some suitably terrible AI images to accompany them.


DO start conversation! Picture this – you’ve pulled up to a MovedTo Casual Thursday. You’ve found us. But argh! There are 20-odd people, and they’re all already chatting to each other. PANIC! Right? No – no need to panic. The best way to start is to simply ask someone, ‘Hi, is this the MovedTo event?’ – hard part over! It can be super uncomfortable walking up to a group of people and injecting yourself into a conversation, but once you’ve done it, it’s over with! 

DO introduce yourself! (and RE-introduce yourself!) This goes for newbies AND regulars. It can be blooming confusing suddenly meeting a huge number of people, and sometimes it’s easy to forget to tell people your name. Or maybe you’ve met someone last time, and you’ve forgotten their name but remember their face. A simple, ‘It’s Steve, right?’ or ‘I’m so sorry, I’ve forgotten your name’ will see you clear if you’ve forgotten. 

DO keep up the effort! Some people have the gift of the gab, and once they start talking there’s no stopping them. Others are not so blessed, so it’s a little bit harder to keep that conversation going. When you’re new, there are likely to be lulls in conversation at some points throughout the evening – that’s okay! It’s only awkward if you let it be. But sometimes a little bit of silence is okay until the next topic naturally comes up, or someone new comes to join your group. OR! Take this as an opportunity to do point 4 or 5.

DO take time out! If you’re someone who finds big social gatherings quite overwhelming, make sure you take five minutes at the bar or in the loo to breathe and gather your thoughts. When you come back, you can try chatting to someone new! 

DO circulate! We have all sorts of people come to MovedTo events – one of the great things about us is we attract people from all walks of life. Try chatting to as many people as you can throughout the evening.


DON’T be negative. This is a killer for a first impression! Of course, sometimes we all have bad days, but meeting new people is not the time to tell everyone about your piles or complain for twenty minutes about your deepest insecurities. Of course, there’s a time and a place for these things (..maybe?)… but it probably isn’t your first MovedTo social! 

DON’T scare off newbies. If you see a newbie, reach out to them! Say hello! Ask if they’ve lived in Newbury long! Tell them you were nervous too at your first social. We’re all here for the same reason, and that’s to make friends and meet new people. Also – don’t isolate a newbie for too long. If you’re a regular, make sure you introduce them to others you already know. 

DON’T feel pressured. There is absolutely no pressure or expectation from anyone who comes to MovedTo events. We can only say that the more you put in, the more you will get out of socials. We never expect anything from you – but if you’re coming in expecting to make new friends, you better make sure you’re giving out that energy too! 

DON’T feel entitled. Believe it or not, we have people coming along to MovedTo who expect everyone around them to make the effort, but do very little themselves. MovedTo is free, and we organise and co-ordinate the socials, providing the ideal environment to meet new people. The rest is down to you. 

DON’T steamroll the conversation. While it’s great to be enthusiastic and share your thoughts, try not to monopolise the conversation. Give others a chance to speak and contribute. Active listening and showing interest in what others have to say will help create a more balanced and engaging interaction for everyone! 

And there you have it! Remember, making a great impression at MovedTo socials is all about being friendly, engaging, and considerate of others. Use these tips to navigate your next event with confidence and enjoy meeting new people. We can’t wait to see you there and hear about your experiences!

If you have any other tips or stories to share, let us know through the WhatsApp community! Cheers to new friendships and fun times ahead! 😊

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